FAST TRACK: Meth Home ! Now What? 3 hr CE for Brokers/Salesperson, Home Inspectors Appraisers Sat. Feb. 24, 2018 1-4pm Early bird ends 02/09/2018
per item
This course is part of the FAST TRACK CE WEEKEND (see package pricing
This course will educate you on the current issues regarding methamphetamine and its effects on Real Estate
You will learn test procures, removal and the proper steps to take
( approved for all three disciplines)
*when selling or listing a home with mold.(Broker/Salesperson)
*completing a home inspection. (Home Inspectors)
* placing value with a cost to cure (Appraisers)
This course will educate you on the current issues regarding methamphetamine and its effects on Real Estate
You will learn test procures, removal and the proper steps to take
( approved for all three disciplines)
*when selling or listing a home with mold.(Broker/Salesperson)
*completing a home inspection. (Home Inspectors)
* placing value with a cost to cure (Appraisers)