UPstate Training Registration Form
Enclose a check made payable to “UPstate Training” or Credit Card
The information filled out below is to register for
Course Name ___75 Hour Salespersons Licensing Course__________________
City__________________________ State______________ Zip______________________
Email Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone_____________________________ Fax_____________________________________
Card Type (circle one) Visa / Master Card/Discover
Name on card ______________________________________________________________
Billing address _____________________________________________________________
Card #______________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date ____________Three digit code _________ Amount $______.00
(Found on back of card)
Signature __________________________________________________________________
*$535.00 Early Bird $585.00
* Early bird denotes 7 days before class begins
Modern Real Estate Practice in New York Salespersons book Included
Total $________________
Please return to: Upstate Training
168 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790
Phone (607)231-0254 Fax (607)798-7102
Fax registration with credit card payments only
Cancellation Policy:
If a request for a refund is received in writing 7 days or more prior to the course, a full refund will be granted. If a written request is received within 6 days, a refund less $75 processing fee will be granted.
No refunds will be granted after the course has started.
Please inform us of any disabilities that may require special accommodations
Enclose a check made payable to “UPstate Training” or Credit Card
The information filled out below is to register for
Course Name ___75 Hour Salespersons Licensing Course__________________
City__________________________ State______________ Zip______________________
Email Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone_____________________________ Fax_____________________________________
Card Type (circle one) Visa / Master Card/Discover
Name on card ______________________________________________________________
Billing address _____________________________________________________________
Card #______________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date ____________Three digit code _________ Amount $______.00
(Found on back of card)
Signature __________________________________________________________________
*$535.00 Early Bird $585.00
* Early bird denotes 7 days before class begins
Modern Real Estate Practice in New York Salespersons book Included
Total $________________
Please return to: Upstate Training
168 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790
Phone (607)231-0254 Fax (607)798-7102
Fax registration with credit card payments only
Cancellation Policy:
If a request for a refund is received in writing 7 days or more prior to the course, a full refund will be granted. If a written request is received within 6 days, a refund less $75 processing fee will be granted.
No refunds will be granted after the course has started.
Please inform us of any disabilities that may require special accommodations